Sight from within
Explore your deeper potential with Molly Brindle
It begins with you
Balance. Peace. Harmony. Love. We all long for these qualities in our lives.
Reiki energy helps restore the balance in our chakras and connecting meridians. As energy flows freely, your body’s innate ability to heal is supported. During energy sessions, intuitive insights often are shared with the practitioner to guide the Reiki treatment. Other insights may come through of benefit to you to restore your peace of mind. Spiritual life coaching doesn’t follow a prescriptive, formulaic approach. It is a process of reawakening your sense of self through exploring how thinking has (temporarily) disrupted your connection to innate knowledge, that place you can call consciousness or soul, which is the source from which you live, love, create and experience joy. When you are ready to spend more time in the present than the past or future, enjoy more moments of noticing and appreciating the beautiful gift of life, and experience more fulfilling moments, then it’s time. Learn more by scheduling time with me with the service that best meets your needs.
Reiki Energy
Hands-on natural healing treatment using universal life force energy.
Available Sessions: 1/2 hour and 1 hour
Spiritual Life Coaching
Get past the “thought fog” and rediscover your truth and inner knowing.
Available Sessions: 1/2 hour and 1 hour
My study of spiritual life coaching with Michael Neill has been a profound discovery of the human experience. We all begin life from the same source of love, creativity and joy, but this connection gets lost through the influences of culture, environment and thought. Spiritual life coaching doesn’t follow a prescriptive, formulaic approach. It is a process of reawakening your sense of self through exploring how thinking has (temporarily) disrupted your connection to innate knowledge, that place you can call consciousness or soul, which is the source from which you live, love, create and experience joy. You HAVE had those moments, but probably not enough of them!

“To journey without being changed is to be a nomad. To change without journeying is to be a chameleon. To journey and to be transformed by the journey is to be a pilgrim.”
— Mark Nepo
Molly’s Musings
What is your “voice?” I don’t mean your physical voice, rather your spiritual or inner voice that defines what makes you - YOU! There’s a creative spark in all of us that loves to playfully create, whether in writing, visual arts, performing arts, architecture, sports, cooking or whatever you shape from idea to form. My favorite “voice” forms are photography and writing. I hope you find as much inspiration from them as I did while creating these “Molly’s Musings!”