Molly Brindle
Reiki Master
If experience is the greatest teacher, I’ve earned a few degrees from the School of Life. Of all that I have learned, the most important by far is the healing power of love. Quite a while ago, I began my study of photography and journalism in Detroit and Atlanta and I vowed to be a great photojournalist. That interest in recording life led me to start my career at Cox Communications. and for more than 30 years I worked in media/sports/cultural sales and corporate partnerships at Time Warner, The New York Racing Association and the Proctors Theatre Collaborative. I learned SO MUCH, eventually completed my undergraduate degree at Johns Hopkins. I raised two caring, intelligent daughters. Then I landed at the door of the Covid-19 pandemic, only to realize I wanted to do something completely different.
My study of Reiki, a spiritually based practice of energy healing was prompted by the lifelong experience of feeling as if I was tapped into others’ joy or pain. Now I am trained as to how to use that healing energy for the benefit of others.
My study of spiritual life coaching with Michael Neill has been a profound discovery of the human experience. We all begin life from the same source of love, creativity and joy, but this connection gets lost through the influences of culture, environment and thought. Spiritual life coaching doesn’t follow a prescriptive, formulaic approach. It is a process of reawakening your sense of self through exploring how thinking has (temporarily) disrupted your connection to innate knowledge, that place you can call consciousness or soul, which is the source from which you live, love, create and experience joy. You’ve had those moments, but probably not enough of them!

My inspirational teachers
I am indebted to these teachers for sharing with me their unique insights and knowledge, and encourage you to learn more about them!
Sail on Silverbird
Sun sparkling on water like a thousand diamonds bold
As it stretches towards a horizon of cerulean and gold
Awakens my spirit soaring as a bird in flight
No boundaries as I reach out until the good night
Meets the vanishing point where presence into oblivion folds
by Molly Brindle