Collective Consciousness
Why do fish swim in schools, and murmuration of starlings swoop in wave formation? What tells them to work together?
Do they appoint a lead fish or bird? These are good examples of Collective Consciousness and how it applies to our lives. Psychoanalyst Carl Jung believed that collective consciousness was common to all human beings, an inherited set of beliefs not impacted by our experiences. Take love for example. Love is an innate quality in all of us, the tie that binds us together as we swim through life like fish in the sea. When you share love with others, it makes you whole, and when you “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” you are expressing your collective consciousness. Do you see the beauty in this more loving, collaborative way of living, and how it reduces stress and combativeness? Remember this the next time someone speeds by your car or cuts in front of you in line at the grocery store. Try not reacting with anger. They’re the ones rushing through life, while you’ve stopped to smell the roses. Who is enjoying life more? If you need help finding your way to this peaceful place, please reach out to schedule a chat with me!