With apologies to Mr. Maslow
We’re living in a physical world...are you a material girl?
In 1943 Abraham Maslow first proposed his theory on human motivation, the Hierarchy of Needs, establishing a belief that our strongest need is for the physical, i.e. food, water, shelter, sleep, clothing, followed by personal safety, employment, health and resources. Based on this theory, these physical needs supplant or precede the need for love, friendship and self-esteem. I respectfully suggest this is not true, that our earliest need is for love and human contact, and this need remains paramount throughout our lifetime. What happens when we are out of love? Often we lose our appetite and our sleep is disrupted, for our heart aches until this need is again met. Life is about love, from its beginning to its end. Love is eternal and available in endless supply. So bottoms up - tip up that Hierarchy of Needs triangle and fill it with love, friendship, compassion, self-esteem and then notice how your physical needs require less and less effort.
Need more capacity for love in your life? That’s worth exploring! Reach out when you’re ready to expand that heart space… molly@lifeclarity.net