Year of the Rabbit Boy

So, you were born in the year of the Rabbit, I told him,

And he looked at me quizzically, his 13 year-old brain processing this.

In Chinese astrology, it is believed that those born in your year share character traits.

Like what, he asked?

Well, would you say you are calm, reserved, introspective?

What’s that, he asked?

That means you like to think, you watch others and wait before responding.

He nodded in agreement, so I went on.

People born in Rabbit years are thought to be too sensitive for the world around them.  Like how rabbits like to hide in their burrows.

He ponders this.

They don’t like competitive or aggressive behavior, and get anxious in these settings, would you say this is true of you?

He nods.  He has just been suspended (again) from school for punching back after being hit first by another. 

I long to end on a positive note.  You are thoughtful and considerate of others, I especially see this in how kind you are to your mother. 

That landed.  And we leave all this as food for thought, while I’m reminded of the line from the Michael Jackson song, “I’m looking at the man in the mirror.  I’m asking him to change his ways.” 


I Came Upon a Child of God


Run From What is Comfortable