On Feeling Lonely
Molly Brindle Molly Brindle

On Feeling Lonely

When have we ever felt this lonely or isolated? The truth is, you’re never alone. Your higher consciousness, soul or creative force (your definition applies) is always there, waiting for you….

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The Power of Silence
Molly Brindle Molly Brindle

The Power of Silence

“Leave thinking to the One who gave intelligence. In Silence, there is eloquence. Stop weaving, and watch how the pattern improves.” Rumi In modern parlance, Rumi’s words translate to, “Settle down.”….

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A Glimpse of Truth: Satori
Molly Brindle Molly Brindle

A Glimpse of Truth: Satori

In Japanese Zen Buddhism, “Satori” means “awakening,” and refers to the experience of kensho, discovering one’s true nature. What happens to our true nature from birth to adulthood?….

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You are Lit!
Molly Brindle Molly Brindle

You are Lit!

Ok, I got your attention, didn’t I? You are lit, but not in the sense of being under the influence of alcohol, in fact, quite the opposite!

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Don’t worry, be happy!
Molly Brindle Molly Brindle

Don’t worry, be happy!

Have you noticed that grumbling and grousing doesn’t make you feel better? Why? Because it doesn’t lead to solutions…..

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Collective Consciousness
Molly Brindle Molly Brindle

Collective Consciousness

Why do fish swim in schools, and murmuration of starlings swoop in wave formation? What tells them to work together? And what can we learn from this natural behavior…..

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Sky Full of Stars
Molly Brindle Molly Brindle

Sky Full of Stars

Awakening on a starry night

When a limitless inky sky meets horizon

Because life has no boundaries

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Sail on Silverbird
Molly Brindle Molly Brindle

Sail on Silverbird

Sun sparkling on water like a thousand diamonds bold

As it stretches towards a horizon of cerulean and gold

Awakens my spirit soaring as a bird in flight

No boundaries as I reach out until the good night

Meets the vanishing point where presence into oblivion folds

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